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Kittson Central Board Meeting Aug. 22, 2018

Kittson Central Board Meeting
August 22, 2018
The Board of Education of #2171 met in regular session August 22, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. in the Kittson Central boardroom. Members present were Mike Sugden, Crisa Mortenson, Mike Olsonawski, Katie Langen, Eric Ristad, Matt Kuznia and Mark Johnson. Also present were Superintendent Jaszczak & Stephanie Hanson.
The meeting was called to order by Sugden.  The agenda was approved by Ristad,  seconded by Kuznia. Motion carried. Minutes from July 25, 2018 were presented. Motion to accept minutes by Johnson, second Langen. Motion carried. The bills having been audited and found correct were ordered to be paid. Post payment bills (hand payables) were approved for $2,459.96. Prepayment bills for $32,209.29. Payroll Electronic Fund Transfers in the amount of $151,383.23, Payroll Checks in the amount of $55,173.48 and donations of $1500.
End of the month balances were:
01    $2,569,215.84
02    $(16,050.57)
04    $(46,930.24)
06     $311,234.95
07    $242,720.10
08     $46,505.00
Totals     $3,106,695.08
on a motion to approve by Mortenson, second by Langen. Motion carried.
The NWRIC held a meeting and has hired a new person with an EBD licensure. This person will also service our school district.
Football numbers were roughly what expected, but  still not enough for a JV at this time. Volleyball numbers are good with the addition of the sixth graders in the JH. Low numbers in the 7th grade class warranted them opening it up to 6th graders.
A recommendation to approve the Resolution Calling for General Election was presented. Motion to approve Ristad, second Langen. Motion carried.
A recommendation to set the Truth and Taxation meeting date for Wednesday, December 19, 2018 was presented. Motion Johnson, second Kuznia. Motion carried.
A recommendation to hire Alana Scalese as the JH 7th grade coach was presented. Motion Mortenson, second Olsonawski. Motion carried.
A recommendation to hire Diane Younggren at .75 FTE. Motion Kuznia, second Mortenson. Motion carried.
Superintendent Jaszczak talked about the MREA area meeting being in September. Also, then safety grant application date opens August 29th and he will be sending in for the front door addition at this time. The fall student numbers are down due to larger class graduating than coming in. Preschool hours will be split to accommodate the large class size having two sessions, 8-11 and 12-3 with no preschool lunch. Applicants for a para position were interviewed with plans to extend an offer this week. He also recently attended a math workshop to help prepare for teaching two classes the coming year.
Motion by Olsonawski was made to close the meeting to discuss the superintendent evaluation. Second Ristad. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn the closed portion of the meeting by Johnson, seconded by Ristad. Motion Carried.
Motion to adjourn. Motion by Mortenson, second by Kuznia. Motion carried.
Next meeting is September 26 at 8pm.
Stephanie Hanson
Recording clerk
(October 3, 2018)

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