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The Lancaster School Board met in special session on Wednesday, March 3, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. in the math room. The following members were present: Diamond, Langerud, Lupien, Nordin and Peterson. Also present was Mendy Coffield. Absent: Homstad.
Chairperson Diamond called the meeting to order and took roll call. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
Interview questions, job descriptions, contracts and a tentative March 12th interview schedule were discussed for the Superintendent and Principal positions. Two candidates have applied for both positions so a third set of interview questions were also discussed.
Coffield will update the documents based on the Board’s requests and also research conflict of interest and the hiring policy. Coffield will contact the six candidates to inform them of the March 12th interview date. She will confirm exact times with the candidates following the March 5th deadline to apply. Interviews will be held at Lancaster School in the computer lab.
A second special Superintendent/Principal Interview Planning meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 10th at 4:30 p.m.
The special meeting for the actual Superintendent/Principal Interviews will be Friday, March 12th. Times TBD.
The next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 17th at 8:00 p.m. (DST).
Diamond adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
James Diamond, Chairperson Lacey Lupien, Clerk
The Lancaster School Board met in special session on Wednesday, March 10, 2021, at 4:30p.m. in the computer lab and via zoom. The following members were present: Langerud, Lupien, Nordin and Peterson. Also present were Supt. Shannon Hunstad and Mendy Coffield. Joining via zoom: Diamond and MSBA Gary Lee.
Chairperson Diamond called the meeting to order via zoom, took roll call, and recommended Vice Chair Nordin continue the meeting. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
Gary Lee opened the meeting with information regarding relative transactions per Minnesota Statute. Discussion was held; the board thanked Lee for his time.
The meeting continued with discussion on the Superintendent/Principal Interview Planning packet. Interview questions, applicant packet and procedures, scoring and the interview schedule. Two of the applicants have requested zoom. It was decided Diamond would lead the zoom interviews. Diamond will also be in charge of reference checks.
The next board meeting will be held on Friday, March 12, 2021, beginning at 12:45pm throughout the afternoon. This special meeting will be to interview the six applicants who have applied for the position openings: Brad Homstad, Jeff Watts, Drew Chono, Dan Blankenship, Tim Mellstrom, and Nicole Thompson.
Nordin adjourned the meeting at 5:26 p.m.
Matt Nordin, Vice Chairperson Lacey Lupien, Clerk
The Lancaster School Board met in special session on Friday, March 12, 2021, at 4:30p.m. in the computer lab and via zoom. The following members were present: Diamond, Langerud, Lupien, Nordin and Peterson. Also present was Mendy Coffield. Joining via zoom: Dan Blankenship and Tim Mellstrom. Absent: Homstad.
Interviews were conducted throughout the afternoon for Brad Homstad, Jeff Watts, Drew Chono, Dan Blankenship, Tim Mellstrom, and Nicole Thompson. Discussion was held following each interview and at the close of the day.
The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, beginning at 8:00pm (DST) in the math room.
Diamond adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m.
James Diamond, Chairperson
Lacey Lupien, Clerk
The Lancaster School Board met in regular session on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. in the math room. The following members were present: Diamond, Homstad, Langerud, Lupien, and Peterson. Also present were Supt. Shannon Hunstad, Dean Nicole Thompson, Teacher Rep. Mallory Bernstrom, and Mendy Coffield. Joining via zoom: Nordin, Kittson County Enterprise reporter Anna Jauhola.
Chairperson Diamond called the meeting to order and took roll call. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those in attendance.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Lupien, the agenda was approved as presented.
On a motion by Peterson, second by Langerud, the consent agenda was approved as presented. Items included:
• The minutes of the February 17, 2021, regular meeting and the special meetings minutes from March 2, 10, and 12, 2021, were approved.
• Electronic Funds Transfers (EFTs) in the amount of $96,298.26. Payroll EFTs in the amount of $105,920.86, and monthly bills for the regular and the activity account in the amount of $42,042.96. Check numbers 41087-41126.
• Credit card payments are now made online and each vendor now shows in the finance system instead of ìCardmember Services.î These were reviewed for December 2020, and January and February 2021.
• The Budget Comparison and Treasurer’s reports were reviewed.
• The current revenue totals by fund were reviewed.
On a motion by Diamond, second by Homstad, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the Food Service Agreement for 2021/22 with the Cooperative Purchasing Connection.
On a motion by Homstad, second by Langerud, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the 3-year School District Auditing Contract with Brady Martz for 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 school years.
On a motion by Lupien, second by Peterson, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, hires Nicole Thompson as full-time Principal commencing July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023.
Discussion was held on adding a new position: Assistant Principal. Supt. Hunstad informed the board that this position could take over the Activities Director, Dean, and District Assessment Coordinator positions. Homstad inquired about Student Council as well. Our student population is up and also has changed with higher needs students being added over the last few years.
On a motion by Peterson, second by Langerud, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves adding an Assistant Principal position beginning with the 2021/22 school year. This position will be replacing the Activities Director and Dean positions.
On a motion by Homstad, second by Lupien, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, accepts the resignation of Becky Rice as Paraprofessional effective March 11, 2021. Becky has agreed to remain the Cheer Coach and the Student Council Advisor.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Lupien, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, hires Sierra Olson as a Paraprofessional effective March 1, 2021. (Tier I, Step 1)
On a motion by Diamond, second by Peterson, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, accepts the resignation of Hannah Rynning as Elementary Teacher effective the close of the 2020/21 school year.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Lupien, and carried: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the transfer of Sick Leave days from Julie Nordin, Charlie Bernstrom, Shannon Hunstad, Sandie Nelson, Tiffany Sjostrand, and Teresa Weleski to Denise Johnson.
On a motion by Diamond, second by Peterson, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves advertising for the vacated Census Position. This annual custom hire salary will continue to be $200 plus mileage.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Homstad, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the .75 FTE Science Teacher Contract for Laura Reese effective for the 2021/22 school year. (BA18)
On a motion by Diamond, second by Peterson, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement between the Lancaster Education Association and Lancaster School for Laura Reese for the 2021/22 school year.
Discussion was held on the Reese’s future wishes for this position. Supt. Hunstad felt, at this time, she was comfortable with the .75 FTE status.
On a motion by Peterson, second by Langerud, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, hires Anneliese Johnson from June 1 – August 27, 2021, as Technology Coordinator.
On a motion by Lupien, second by Peterson, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, hires Anneliese Johnson as a Teacher for the 2021/22 school year. Ms. Johnson’s duties will include being the Technology Coordinator and part-time Science Teacher. (BA1)
Discussion was held on the need for Paraprofessionals to be Personal Care Attendants for some of our students. It was decided to move those individuals to the Tier II step if this is part of their daily duties. This will be reviewed on a case by case basis if the student transfers or the paraprofessional’s position changes.
On a motion by Peterson, second by Homstad, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves adding Personal Care Attendants to the Tier II Paraprofessional pay scale effective April 1, 2021.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Peterson, second by Peterson, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the 2021/22 School Year Calendar as presented.
Supt. Hunstad reviewed the Strategic Plan. The district has been working through this for the past few months. Supt. Hunstad went into detail on the planned improvements to the building using the ESSERII, LTFM, Safe Schools funding as well as regular district funds.
Supt. Hunstad presented a drawing of the proposed bus loading/unloading zone which would be straight west of the main door, and the parking lot which would be north of the west gym. Discussion was held on the need for the bus zone for safety reasons. The parking lot would clear the street to the north of the building of parking making it safer on the elementary school and playground area. This project would come out of district funds. Hunstad also noted that, unofficially, there will be ESSER III funds available in 2021/22 and the preliminary funding is $2,600 per student. At this time, allowable expense details are not available.
On a motion by Langerud, second by Homstad, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the bus loading/unloading and parking lot projects as presented.
Discussion was held on the embroidery machines that are not being used. The current FCS teacher does not plan to use them. The space is needed for other things.
On a motion by Peterson, second by Langerud, and carried: Be it Resolved, that the Board of Education of Independent School District 356, approves the placement of the embroidery machines for sale on bids.
Supt. Hunstad presented the Administrative Report:
1) The 2021/22 High School schedule has been finalized. Supt. Hunstad pointed out the new offerings: Photography, Robotics, Intro to Business, Calculus II, Band/Choir for 7-9, Social 8. Anneliese Johnson will be assisting with College Algebra as well.
a. Social Studies proposed Standards were discussed. Supt Hunstad noted this is now in a 3-year rollout and is back to the discussion state at the state based on the feedback received thus far. Supt. Hunstad also pointed out that we do have local control over what and how we teach.
b. Supt. Hunstad also noted that Deputy Mueller will take over for Commissioner of Education Ricker on April 1st, as she has resigned her position.
2) The NWRIC Staff performed a Special Ed Audit earlier this week. Given our current caseloads, we are in need of two full time Special Ed Teachers. The State Average for a special ed teacher is 16.3%. Ours are at 21%.
3) Supt. Hunstad submitted Lancaster School’s MSHSL ballot to vote for the addition of a second Superintendent to that board. This did pass.
4) Supt. Hunstad, Dean Thompson and Coffield have reviewed the Teacher Master Agreement per MSBA’s recommendations and have presented to the Teacher Negotiation Team for the next Negotiations.
5) The MCA Testing Schedule will be pushed back a few weeks due to the State extending the testing window. This will allow us more teaching time, especially for math, prior to taking the test.
6) New Indoor Event Guidelines were released from the State. Graduation will be held in the west gym; we will work on specifics in the coming weeks. Families will be placed in pods and socially distanced.
7) Class Trip Advisor Cory Waling met with Supt. Hunstad earlier this week. The Trip will be west this year. Supt. Hunstad will inquire with the Auditors on offering scholarships as well. The trip is planned for May 1 – 9.
A special meeting will be scheduled for interviews for the Assistant Principal Position in the near future.
The next regular board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. (DST).
Diamond adjourned the meeting at 9:21 p.m.
James Diamond, Chairperson Lacey Lupien, Clerk
(March 31, 2021)

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